When you provide us your insurance information, we make every attempt to verify that your plan covers massage therapy with us. Please provide us 7 days to verify. In the event we can not verify, or the website is unclear, we recommend you contact your insurance company directly, which can also be quicker. We do keep a credit card securely on file. If your insurance does not pay for your session, you will be charged the discount “at time of service” rate.
We bill some insurance companies including Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield, Pacific Source and HMA. We can not take OHP at this time. It can take us up to a week to verify that massage therapy is covered under your plan. We will keep a credit card on file in the case your insurance does not pay.**
If you have another insurance company or feel your massage can be covered, we can give you a superbill (emailed receipt) for any appointment paid out of pocket to seek reimbursement from your insurance company directly.
Motor Vehicle Collision (MVC): Alternative care is generally available as part of your recovery after a motor vehicle accident. It is important that you have already visited a doctor or chiropractor to receive a diagnosis and sometimes a prescription is needed for your auto insurance billing. Before every first session, we need the name of the billing auto insurance company, your claim number, your adjuster’s name, phone number and billing address. We keep a card on file and you will be charged per our cancellation policy.**
*As with all billed services, standard rates do apply and may not be combined with any discounts or promotions.
** Payments at the time of service are discounted
Please contact us with any questions.